Take Control of Your Future
Careful planning can bring you the peace of mind of knowing that when you die, your assets will be distributed exactly the way you want. Willis B. Carman, of Carman, Callahan & Ingham, LLP, can help with that and more.

Our estate planning services include:
- Wills and trusts
Family asset protection trusts
Durable powers of attorney
- Health Care Proxy and living wills
Life insurance trusts
Trusts for people with special needs
Contact us today for your buying or selling needs.
Case study
Client with no Last Will and Testament consulted us for estate planning.
“Jane” has three adult children, one of whom has a drug addiction and is incarcerated in prison. Without a will, the troubled child would inherit 1/3 of Jane’s estate.
We prepared a will that disinherited her troubled child.
Takeaway: Without a will, New York State law decides who receives your assets when you die. It is better that you decide who inherits.
Case study
Several years ago, husband and wife came to us for Estate Planning documents which included Power of Attorney.
In early 2020 when the clients were about to close on the sale of their home, the husband contracted Covid-19. He was hospitalized for several months and unable to participate in the closing.
Fortunately, his Power of Attorney enabled his wife to sign the closing documents on his behalf.
Takeaway: Planning documents provide tools that enable your spouse and loved ones the ability to handle your affairs during an unforeseeable crisis situation.